Samstag, 13. Juni 2015

Mark Epstein – Buddhismus und Psychoanalyse

Mark Epstein: The Trauma of Everyday Life [55:57]

Veröffentlicht am 30.07.2014
Harvard Book Store welcomed psychiatrist and author of Thoughts Without a Thinker Mark Epstein for a discussion of his latest book, The Trauma of Everyday Life, new to paperback.

Trauma does not just happen to a few unlucky people; it is the bedrock of our psychology. Death and illness touch us all, but even the everyday sufferings of loneliness and fear are traumatic. In The Trauma of Everyday Life Mark Epstein uncovers the transformational potential of trauma, revealing how it can be used for the mind’s own development.

Western psychology teaches that if we understand the cause of trauma, we might move past it while many drawn to Eastern practices see meditation as a means of rising above, or distancing themselves from, their most difficult emotions. Both, Epstein argues, fail to recognize that trauma is an indivisible part of life and can be used as a lever for growth and an ever deeper understanding of change. When we regard trauma with this perspective, understanding that suffering is universal and without logic, our pain connects us to the world on a more fundamental level. The way out of pain is through it.
Epstein’s discovery begins in his analysis of the life of Buddha, looking to how the death of his mother informed his path and teachings. The Buddha’s spiritual journey can be read as an expression of primitive agony grounded in childhood trauma. Yet the Buddha’s story is only one of many in The Trauma of Everyday Life. Here, Epstein looks to his own experience, that of his patients, and of the many fellow sojourners and teachers he encounters as a psychiatrist and Buddhist. They are alike only in that they share in trauma, large and small, as all of us do. Epstein finds throughout that trauma, if it doesn’t destroy us, wakes us up to both our minds’ own capacity and to the suffering of others. It makes us more human, caring, and wise. It can be our greatest teacher, our freedom itself, and it is available to all of us.

Mark Epstein: The Difficulties of Mindfulness (Clip) [2:08]

Veröffentlicht am 31.07.2014
See Mark Epstein's full talk from the WGBH Forum Network here:

Mark Epstein: Is Buddhism Enough to Recover From Trauma? (Clip) [1:44]

Veröffentlicht am 31.07.2014
See Mark Epstein's full talk from the WGBH Forum Network here:

Mark Epstein, Philip Glass, Matthieu Ricard - Part of FIAF's Crossing the Line - Sep 13, 2010 [2:45]

Hochgeladen am 22.09.2010
As part of the 2010 edition of Crossing the Line, the fall festival of the French Institute Alliance Francaise (FIAF) in NYC, psychiatrist Mark Epstein, composer Philip Glass, and French author/photographer/Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard all came together in Florence Gould Hall to discuss the role of contemplation and meditation in the creative process. A truly special event, witnessed by a sold-out crowd, this video contains a few highlights for those unable to be there. More info here:
Mark Epstein: New Perspectives: Is Mindfulness Enough? Excerpt [1:47]

Hochgeladen am 28.09.2011
This continuing education webcast for counselors, therapists and social workers (LCSWs) is 6th session of New Perspectives: Is Mindfulness Enough? It features Mark Epstein, M.D. a private practice psychiatrist and writer. He's written extensively on the union of Eastern ideas and psychology for publications such as Tricycle: A Buddhist Review, Yoga Journal, and O: The Oprah Magazine. His books include Going to Pieces without Falling Apart; Going on Being; Thoughts without a Thinker; Open to Desire; and, most recently, Psychotherapy without a Self. The Mindfulness webcast series is a 6 session streaming-video webcast series that can be purchased with or without 6 CEs. The series features interview-style sessions with other leading therapists in the field including Jack Kornfield, Ron Siegel, Tara Brach, Michael Yapko, and Richard Schwartz with moderator Rich Simon.

To learn more about this webcast session visit here:
Mark Epstein: An Explanation of "Mother Voidness" (Clip) [2:03]

Veröffentlicht am 31.07.2014
See Mark Epstein's full talk from the WGBH Forum Network:

zu Mark Epstein siehe auch:
- So vergänglich! oder Was bleibt… (Post, 16.11.2006)
- Hungergeister (Post, 09.04.2008)
- Verleugnung (Post, 08.11.2014)
- Porträts von Psychotherapeuten: Bitte recht Freud'lich (Post, 03.01.2015)

zu Matthieu Ricard:
- Die fünf Hemmungen (Post, 06.11.2014)
- Das Glück als Lebenskunst (Post, Matthieu Ricard im Gespräch mit Scobel, 07.01.2015)
- Nirwana im Kernspin (Post, 10.06.2015)

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