Freitag, 12. Juni 2015

Prokrastination: Aufschieben bedeutet den Verbleib in der Komfort-Zone

We both have psychotherapy practices in Los Angeles, which means we treat many creative people. Do you know when these people display the highest degree of creativity? It’s not when they perform, write, or sing; it’s when they make up excuses to postpone doing the things they should – even when those things are crucial to their future.

This tendency to procrastinate isn’t limited to Hollywood. Everyone avoids taking action – going to the gym, sticking to a diet, introducing yourself to someone you’re interested in, tackling a difficult  at work. Less obvious examples include apologizing to someone, telling a friend your idea for a new business, asking someone in your family for financial help, and so on.

Wir haben beide eine psychotherapeutische Praxis in Los Angeles, was bedeutet, daß wir viele kreative Menschen behandeln. Können Sie sich vorstellen, unter welchen Umständen diese Menschen ihr höchstes Potenzial an Kreativität an den Tag legen? Nicht, wenn sie auftreten, schreiben oder singen; sondern wenn sie Entschuldigungen dafür finden, Dinge aufzuschieben, die sie tun sollten – auch, wenn diese Dinge bedeutsam für ihre Zukunft sind.

Die Neigung bestimmte Tätigkeiten aufzuschieben ist nicht auf Hollywood beschränkt. Jeder vermeidet Dinge zu tun – zum Fitness-Studio zu gehen, eine Diät einzuhalten, Dich jemandem vorzustellen, den Du interessant findest, sich mit schwierigen Aufgaben bei der Arbeit herumzuschlagen. Weniger offensichtliche Beispiele sind sich bei sich bei jemandem zu entschuldigen, einem Freund von einer neuen Geschäftsidee zu erzählen, jemanden aus der Familie um finanzielle Unterstützung anzugehen und so weiter.

- The Real Reason We Procrastinate (and What to Do About It) (Phil Stutz, Barry Michels, Greatist, 06.06.2014, Hervorhebung von mir)

The Tools Book {0:59}

Veröffentlicht am 23.05.2012
Tools Book - - The Tools Book is an extraordinary psychological model based on the proven methods of Hollywood's greatest psychotherapists.
Phil Stutz and Barry Michels have over 60 years of psychotherapeutic experience between them. Together they have helped their A-list clients work through whatever has held them back - be it insecurity, trauma, anger, lack of willpower, negativity or avoidance - and achieve their greatest work and find a deep level of fulfilment.
Now, at last, the acclaimed clinicians are sharing their methods in this eye-opening and empowering book.
Introducing their five simple techniques...
1. The Reversal of Desire
2. Active Love
3. Inner Authority
4. The Grateful Flow
5. Jeopardy
Inside the book the authors clearly explain what the tools are and how and when to use them.
Astonishingly effective and beautifully simple - once you've learned a tool it takes only three to five seconds to use it - this book will give you everything you need to propel yourself forward to achieve your ambitions and be who you were born to be.
The Tools Book offers a solution to the biggest complaint patients have about therapy: the interminable wait for change to begin. The traditional therapeutic model sets its sights on the past, but Phil Stutz and Barry Michels employ an arsenal of techniques — "the tools" —that allow patients to use their problems as levers that access the power of the unconscious and propel them into action. Suddenly, through this transformative approach, obstacles become opportunities-to find courage, embrace discipline, develop self-expression, and deepen creativity.
For years, Stutz and Michels taught these techniques to an exclusive patient base, but with The Tools, their revolutionary, empowering practice becomes available to every reader interested in realizing the full range of their potential. The authors' goal is nothing less than for your life to become exceptional-exceptional in its resiliency, in its experience of real happiness, and in its understanding of the human spirit. - - Tools Book 

Think of an action you’ve been avoiding. It could be any of the examples we’ve given or something that’s specific to your life. Imagine yourself starting to take that action. You’re going to feel something unpleasant. Concentrate on what you feel. […]
The process of overcoming procrastination can begin once you’re able to admit that when you avoid taking action, you’re really avoiding pain. It’s also important to admit that for most of us, pain avoidance isn’t limited to one situation. Rather, it applies to almost anything that’s painful. Without realizing it, most of us instinctively retreat to a comfort zone and try our best never to leave it. […] Procrastinators act as if they had all the time in the world. But deep down, they know they’re wasting parts of their life. The trouble is, most of us don’t know how to free ourselves. That’s why, in the words of Henry David Thoreau, most people “live lives of quiet desperation and die with their song unsung.”
Phil learned this secret from a most unlikely teacher:
He sat next to me in my 10th grade mechanical drawing class. I was 13 years old and weighed a measly 125 pounds. He had five years and 100 pounds on me. That was intimidating enough, but he was also the captain and star player on our football team. I was afraid to even speak to him until we discovered we had one thing in common: We both sucked at mechanical drawing. That broke the ice and we began to talk. He was eager to explain why he was the best running back in the city. He admitted he wasn’t the fastest runner, nor the trickiest. He was the best runner, he said, because he wasn’t afraid of being tackled. In fact, he welcomed it. Given my limited life experience, this seemed like the craziest thing I’d ever heard. Just hearing him explain it was frightening. But it did have its own logic. He told me he’d get the ball on the first play from scrimmage; but, unlike the other running backs, he wouldn’t try to avoid the tacklers. Instead, he’d pick one out and run right for him. I’ll never forget how he described this: “I get knocked on my ass. It hurts for a minute, but when I get up, I feel like I can conquer the world.” He didn’t avoid the pain of being tackled, he desired it. He knew that by going right at the pain, it would shrink. He knew that when you move toward it, pain turns into power. I was sure that this philosophy would help all of my stuck patients. There was just one problem. Desiring pain is completely unnatural for most of us. That’s where a tool is needed. I called the tool I developed the Reversal of Desire; it takes your natural desire to avoid pain and reverses it into a desire to feel pain and move through it. […]
If people use this tool every time they feel like avoiding something, life changes profoundly. […]

Before you dismiss these concepts as part of a New Age fairy tale, consider what happened to Barry:
For the first half of my life, I was driven to achieve as much status as I could. I was admitted to Harvard as a sophomore, I went to a prestigious law school, and by age 25 I’d graduated near the top of my class and was hired by an outstanding law firm. I should’ve felt like I’d reached the top of Mt. Everest, but inside it was the low point of my life—I hated what I was doing.
I wanted to quit, but it was going to be painful. So I procrastinated—and stayed at my law firm for three of the longest years of my life. One day, I found myself propelled into my boss’s office. I explained that I couldn’t do it anymore. I quit.
Almost immediately, I felt strangely free. To my surprise, I began to feel that something much wiser than me was guiding me along my path. Over the course of the next three years, I become a psychotherapist (and discovered that I loved it), met my wife (at a psychotherapy conference), and met Phil, who has become an amazing friend as well as an incomparable source of information and encouragement.
You can chalk these things up to coincidence. But in my heart I know the truth: I never would have found these people or these opportunities on my own. Life guided me to them—but only after I stopped procrastinating and left my comfort zone.
The Tools by Phil Stutz & Barry Michels {9:38}
Veröffentlicht am 10.01.2015
More goodness: 
The Tools. It rocks. Here's my first video back after waaayyyyy too long away. Quick look at the 5 tools that can change your life. (Let's do this!! :)
Learn more from Stutz + Michels here:
Follow them on Twitter:
Get the book on Amazon here:

Die fünf Schritte:
1. Umkehrung der Wünsche (Umpolung des Verlangens)
unbegenztes Potential befindet sich außerhalb unserer Komfortzone => Komfortzone verlassen (inneren Schweinehund überwinden)
2. Aktive Liebe
Imagination: der Person oder dem Umstand, die bzw. der uns mit Angst flutet, Liebe schicken
3. Innere Autorität entwickeln (über Fokussieren und Handeln)
4. Dankbarer Flow
5. Gefahr

Es ist anstrengend, etwas Neues zu entdecken.
Also ziehen wir es vor, zu bleiben, wie wir sind.
Und da liegt die eigentliche Schwierigkeit.
Die reinste Form des Wahnsinns ist es,
alles beim Alten zu belassen und trotzdem zu hoffen,
daß sich etwas ändert.
  (Albert Einstein)

siehe auch:
siehe auch:
- Das Grübeln stoppen – Neuer Therapieansatz bei Depressionen (Post, 26.05.2010)

Reversal of Desire - The Tools by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels) {2:45}

Veröffentlicht am 30.03.2012
Reversal of Desire is one of the five tools featured in THE TOOLS by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels that can help you bring about dynamic change
The Tools offers a solution to the biggest complaint patients have about therapy: the interminable wait for change to begin. The traditional therapeutic model sets its sights on the past, but Phil Stutz and Barry Michels employ an arsenal of techniques—"the tools"—that allow patients to use their problems as levers that access the power of the unconscious and propel them into action. Suddenly, through this transformative approach, obstacles become opportunities—to find courage, embrace discipline, develop self-expression, deepen creativity.
For years, Stutz and Michels taught these techniques to an exclusive patient base, but with The Tools, their revolutionary, empowering practice becomes available to every reader interested in realizing the full range of their potential. The authors' goal is nothing less than for your life to become exceptional—exceptional in its resiliency, in its experience of real happiness, and in its understanding of the human spirit.

Active Love - The Tools by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels {3:50}

Veröffentlicht am 23.05.2012
Active Love- - The Tools is an extraordinary psychological model based on the proven methods of Hollywood's greatest psychotherapists. Phil Stutz and Barry Michels have over 60 years of psychotherapeutic experience between them. Together they have helped their A-list clients work through whatever has held them back - be it insecurity, trauma, anger, lack of willpower, negativity or avoidance - and achieve their greatest work and find a deep level of fulfilment. Try Active Love - Active Love is the The Tool for when you are so enraged with a person that the anger traps you in a maze, Active Love 

Parker Palmer - Inner Authority {2:56}

Hochgeladen am 22.09.2009 

How to boost your happiness w/gratitude!! {6:38}

Veröffentlicht am 08.11.2012
Gratitude is HUGE. Easiest, most powerful way to boost our happiness levels. Here are some of my favorite tools on how to get our gratitude on and live w/more consistent radiant joy and en*thusiasm! Hope you enjoy! (What are YOU grateful for?! :)
This is a Big Idea from my Optimal Living 101 classes:
The Tools Stutz and Michels5 {12:17}

Veröffentlicht am 08.08.2012
A conversation with Phil Stutz and Barry Michels, authors of THE TOOLS

  Shrinks to the Stars {5:20}
(Einbetten deaktiviert)
siehe auch:
- The Tools authors Barry Michels, Phil Stutz tuning up Hollywood creativity (The Star, 16.06.2012)
- Hollywood Shadows (Dana Goodyear, The New Yorker, 21.03.2011)
- The Tools for A Creative Life (Interview mit studio360, 24.08.2012) 
- What is a Tool? by Phil Stutz, co-author of The Tools: 5 Life-Changing Techniques To Unlock Your Potential (Booktopia, 21.05.2012)
- The Tools: Wie Sie wirklich Selbstvertrauen, Lebensfreude, Gelassenheit und innere Stärke gewinnen

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