Sonntag, 29. November 2015

Myths of Mental Illness

Myths of Mental Illness [9:58]
Hochgeladen am 27.01.2009
Does paranoia exist? Does schizophrenia exist? Does mental illness exist? Who are R.D. Laing, Thomas Szasz, & Wilhelm Reich? How has the mental health system changed? What causes mental illness? Is there a mass malaise or mass alienation of mass schizophrenia? How can the mentally ill recover? These are some of the questions this video attempts to answer

- Ronald D. Laing (Post, 16.10.2015)
- Thomas Szas – Es gibt keine Geisteskrankheit (Post, 16.02.2012)
- ‘Freedom is more important than health’: Thomas Szasz and the problem of paternalism (Joanna Moncrieff, International Psychiatry, Mai 2014, PDF, S. 46)
- The legacy – or not – of Dr Thomas Szasz (1920-2012) (Trevor Turner, International Psychiatry, Mai 2014, PDF, S. 48)
- Thomas Szasz: Philosopher of Liberty (John Breeding, Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Januar 2011, gefunden auf The Wildest Colts)

Psychology Test - Are You Normal? [10:03]

Hochgeladen am 21.10.2007

Psychology Test - Are you Normal.

Dr. Breeding, Ph.D. psychologist discusses the concept of normal. Mental health is defined in terms of normal by psychology and psychiatry. If you don't fit into the box, you might be labeled with mental illness. If you too happy you are manic. If you not happy enough you are depressed. If you concentrate too much you are compulsive. If you don't concentrate enough you have ADHD. If you think about sex too much you hypersexual. If you think about sex too little you hyposexual.

Visit Dr. Breedings Website at

This video was produced by Psychetruth

Copyright © CAEST 2007. All Rights Reserved.

This video may be displayed in public, copied and redistributed for any strictly non-commercial use in its entire unedited form. Alteration or commercial use is strictly prohibited.

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