Der amerikanische Prof. George Lakoff hat sich mit den
Erziehungsmetaphern der US-amerikanischen Gesellschaft beschäftigt. Er teilt sie in das »Strenge-Vater-Modell« und das »Fürsorgliche-Eltern-Modell«.
Das erstere Modell geht davon aus, dass der sorgende Vater von seinen Kindern Gehorsam und Folgsamkeit erwarten kann, und diese über Belohnung und Bestrafung auf den rechten Weg bringt. Dieses Modell favorisieren nach Lakoff die Wähler der Republikaner.
Das zweite Modell will die Kinder in ihrer Entwicklung fördern und zu eigenständigen, selbstverantwortlichen Menschen erziehen, die sich sozial verhalten und ihre Mitmenschen respektieren und ihnen helfen. Dieses Modell favorisieren die Wähler der Demokraten.
Lakoff sieht in dem »Strenger-Vater-Modell« die Begründung für die Haltung der republikanischen Wähler, die Bedürftigen sich selbst zu überlassen, denn diese haben ihr Unglück selbst verschuldet, da sie nicht diszipliniert genug waren und den Anweisungen nicht folgten. Hilfe würde inakzeptables Verhalten belohnen. Gleichzeitig neigen die Anhänger dieser Metapher zu Intoleranz gegenüber anderen Lebensformen und Meinungen anderer, da jede alternative Lebensform oder abweichende Meinung die väterliche Autorität untergräbt und in Frage stellt. Diese Ideologie teilt die Welt ein in »richtig oder falsch«, »Gut und Böse«.
Die das »Fürsorgliche-Eltern-Modell« vertreten, verhalten sich gegenüber Andersdenkenden und alternativen Lebensformen toleranter und aufgeschlossener.
Auch Gott kann man sich sowohl als strengen wie fürsorglichen Vater vorstellen. Als strenger Vater verlangt er bedingungslosen Gehorsam, bestraft das Übertreten und Hinterfragen göttlicher Gebote und vernichtet diejenigen, die nicht an ihn glauben. Dies ist der Gott des alten Testaments. Das neue Testament beschreibt mehr einen fürsorglichen Vater, der großzügig und gnädig ist, seine Kinder liebt, ihnen ihre Sünden vergibt und sogar seinen eigenen Sohn für sie opfert.
(aus dem Newsletter der Milton-Erickson-Gesellschaft 2/2017, Dipl.-Psych. Ortwin Meiss, Vorstandsmitglied MEG und Leiter des Milton Erickson Institut Hamburg)
The Left, the Right, and the Family View of Government {6:11}
Hochgeladen am 21.08.2009
Complete video at:
Linguist George Lakoff divides conservative and progressive views on government by analogies to two types of families: the strict father model, in which there is no moral authority above the father, and the nurturing parent model, which is based on empathy, protection, and empowerment.
George Lakoff makes plain how the words used by politicians translate to the public's support for various political issues. Language matters - especially when it comes to politics.
A founder of the field of cognitive science, Lakoff takes an in-depth look at the ways in which our brains understand politics, breaking down the politics of language. - Commonwealth Club of California
George P. Lakoff is a professor of linguistics (in particular, cognitive linguistics) at the University of California, Berkeley, where he has taught since 1972.
Although some of his research involves questions traditionally pursued by linguists, such as the conditions under which a certain linguistic construction is grammatically viable, he is most famous for his ideas about the centrality of metaphor to human thinking, political behavior and society.
He is particularly famous for his concept of the "embodied mind" which he has written about in relation to mathematics. In recent years he has applied his work to the realm of politics, and founded a progressive think tank, the Rockridge Institute.
Understanding Trump’s Use Of Language {14:48}
Mike Malloy
Veröffentlicht am 30.08.2016
Responsible reporters in the media normally transcribe political speeches so that they can accurately report them. But Donald Trump’s discourse style has stumped a number of reporters.
Some in the media (Washington Post, Salon, Slate, Think Progress, etc.) have called Trump’s speeches “word salad.” Some commentators have even attributed his language use to “early Alzheimer’s,” citing “erratic behavior” and “little regards for social conventions.” I don’t believe it.
I have been repeatedly asked in media interviews about such use of language by Trump. So far as I can tell, he is simply using effective discourse mechanisms to communicate what his wants to communicate to his audience. I have found that he is very careful and very strategic in his use of language. The only way I know to show this is to function as a linguist and cognitive scientist and go through details.
Full story:
Fact Checking Donald Trump without repeating Lies - science behind trump lies , Prof Lakoff {4:05}
Onthemarket Blog
Veröffentlicht am 26.02.2017
President Trump recently attacked the news media as the fake news when speaking at CPAC, including Obama Care , Sweden attacks all which have been found to be falsehoods and fake news . Retired emeritus professor of Cognitive Science and Linguistics at the University of Berkeley California George Lakoff , currently the director of the Neurol Mind and Society , describes how to fact check trump . Knowledge of how to present the facts is required, if you just negate what trump is saying you will just strengthen him , examples given Richard Nixon said I am not a crook and people thought of him as a crook. Lakoff wrote a book don't think of an elephant , which makes you think of an elephant .If you repeat what Donald trump says then negate it ,and repeat what he said ,it makes you think of what he said more. In your brain your neural circuits have to activate what you are negating in order to negate it and that only strengthens what your negating . Trump is diverting attention from the real issues like Russia and his foreign policy his business connections and on and on .
So when Trump said Obama care supports very few false fake , you should really be reporting it as Obama care supports 22 million people fact ,but trump said today very few people had Obama Care as an example
#Russia #neurology #theyoungturks #tyt #infowars #trump #factchecking #trump #science #obamacare #sweden #stockholm
#linguistics #news #politics #trump #donaldtrump #lies #liar #fakenews
#psychology #psychologist #oscars #donaldtrump #cpac #cpac2017 #professorgeorgelakoff #UnivesityofBerkeley
#facts #news #press #conservatives #democrats #conservatives
#senate #congress #impeachment #capitolhill #senators #republicans #USA #cognitive #cognitivescience
Why Don't Facts Move People? {1:48}
Climate One
Veröffentlicht am 26.06.2015
UC Berkeley linguistics professor George Lakoff discusses why facts don't change people's minds when it comes to climate change. To deniers, "it's not like they're denying it [...] it's like it's not even a fact," said Lakoff.
Per Espen Stoknes, Economist and Psychologist; [Put book in bio, not title] Author, What We Think About When We Try Not to Think About Global Warming
George Lakoff, Professor of Linguistics, UC Berkeley
Kari Norgaard, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Oregon
This program was recorded before a live audience on May 12, 2015.
George Lakoff on the role of government {7:27}
Hochgeladen am 17.11.2008
An interview with George Lakoff, November 14, 2008, at Persuading to Win 2008, the Straight Goods symposium.
How to Make Friends and Manipulate Irrational Voters {1:14:01}
New America
Hochgeladen am 03.06.2008
Are Americans irrational when it comes to politics -- voting against their own interests? Or is this phenomenon a function of the interaction between mind, politics and society?
George Lakoff is a New York Times bestselling author and his new book, The Political Mind: Why You Can't Understand 21st Century American Politics with an 18th Century Mind, will be released May 2008.
George Lakoff, "Retaking Political Discourse" {1:10:01}
I-House Berkeley
Veröffentlicht am 01.03.2012
George Lakoff lectures at the International House at U.C. Berkeley on "Retaking Political Discourse." Recorded December 1, 2011 as part of the I-House's 'Globalization Series' lectures.